(Podcast) She, Who Rebuilds Joy in the Wake of Grief

A Podcast Convo with Tiffany from @rebuilding.joy

Tiffany is a solo-mom of two, a 15-year teacher, seeker of joy, and lover of all things adventure and getting active outdoors. In May of 2020, her husband of 14 years died suddenly, completely changing the course of her and her children’s lives.  Struggling to believe that she would every find joy or happiness again, she started traveling - both with her kids and alone, as a way to heal and re-charge her soul. Tiffany is such a strong woman not only for herself and her family, but also in sharing her story through her account @rebuilding.joy as a way to help others navigate through grief, find joy, and live every single moment to the fullest. 

Tiffany inspires me every day to not wait on my dreams, but to follow my heart and take risks.  I’m so excited to introduce her and share her story with you today….

Read Full Episode Transcript Here

Episode Highlights

Quotes from the Interview:

  • "I feel like we all have so much to learn from each other, which is one of the reasons why I started this podcast and the she who wonders series." - Candice

  • "It's like weaving in and out of the two [joy and grief]. And now, as time has gone on, joyful times are like a stronger thread in my life." - Tiffany

  • "So I've really just kind of tried to cast that [worry] aside. I do carry some mom guilt. It's not like I'm, you know, totally free from that." - Tiffany

  • "The more I poke holes in it, the more I realize there is so much I don't know about the world. I want them and me to see that the world is so much bigger than what we know.” - Tiffany

  • "Take care of yourself, physically, mentally, and give yourself time. Please take care of yourself." - Tiffany

Tiffany, Rebuilding Joy, She Who Wanders Podcast, The Great Wanderlust
Tiffany, Rebuilding Joy, She Who Wanders Podcast, The Great Wanderlust
Tiffany Rampey, Rebuilding Joy, She Who Wanders Podcast
Tiffany, Rebuilding Joy, She Who Wanders Podcast, The Great Wanderlust

Connect with Tiffany

Instagram: @rebuilding.joy

more from the SWW Podcast

Candice McCoy

Candice McCoy is the founder + editor of The Great Wanderlust.
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