She, Who Turns 40: Reflecting on 28 Truths I’ve Learned Along the Way

Words for the Wanderer


Turning 40 this week, and I’m feeling nostalgic for the last couple of decades…but also invigorated to dive even deeper into life and make this the most impactful, meaningful and adventurous decade yet.

I was inspired to think through a few things I’ve learned up to this point, so thought I’d share them with you if you’ll humor me.

28 Things I’ve Taken from the Last 40 Years

  1. To everything there is a season.  We aren’t meant to go full force all the time. Planning in rest seasons is better than being forced into them.

  2. Nothing stays the same. So find the silver linings in even the challenging moments because they won’t last forever.

  3. Say yes to your kids whenever possible. There are already too many moments you have to say no.

  4. Ask better questions

  5. If an idea takes up residence in your mind, it’s found you for a reason. Chase it.

  6. Fear is inevitable if you want to live a rich life. Find ways to get comfortable with it.

  7. Family and friends are grounding. When you’re feeling anxious, lean into them.

  8. Early mornings are gold. Take advantage of the time before the rest of the world wakes up.

  9. The answer to jumping in the waterfall, lake, river or creek should always be YES.

  10. Be eager to think outside the box. Sometimes you just might surprise yourself.

  11. Even the things that seem to be going wrong are working together in ways you may not be able to understand yet. But someday you will.

  12. Expect miracles. They’re all around if we’re willing to slow down enough to notice them.

  13. Pup cuddles are always a cure for a sad mood or bad day.

  14. Taking a long walk outside changes everything

  15. It’s normal to wake up and feel negative or anxious right away, but you don’t have to succumb to it.  Open your eyes and think positive, uplifting thoughts. Recite scripture. Pray.

  16. Don’t fight your natural tendencies…find ways to make them work for you.

  17. Say “I love you” and give 10 second hugs to your people multiple times a day. It will change your life. And theirs.

  18. Gratitude fixes most problems.  There is always something to be grateful for.

  19. Worry does not help predict the future.

  20. You don’t have to have the whole picture figured out to take the first step.  Just get started and the rest will unfold.

  21. Perfection is a killer of the best dreams and ideas.

  22. Everything is figureoutable.  

  23. If you can’t do anything about it, stop wasting energy worrying about it.

  24. You are not a tree. If there’s something in your life that you’re not happy with, make a change! Or at least start taking steps toward change.  Refuse to stay stuck.

  25. Apologize freely and often.  When your they see it’s normal for you, your kids will follow suit.

  26. Figure out what makes you come alive. And go do more of that.

  27. Travel opens your eyes like nothing else can.

  28. Declutter. Declutter. Declutter. Less stuff equals more time + freedom.

Candice McCoy

Candice McCoy is the founder + editor of The Great Wanderlust.
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